What is The Two-Day Diet?
The Two Day Diet is a method of intermittent semi-fasting whereby you eat a very low carbohydrate diet for two days each week and a Mediterranean diet for the next five days.
Published guides to intermittent fasting
The Two Day Diet is a method of intermittent semi-fasting whereby you eat a very low carbohydrate diet for two days each week and a Mediterranean diet for the next five days.
The Every Other Day Diet is the title of a book published by Dr Krista Varady based on her research studies using ADF in overweight subjects.
Eat Stop Eat is a method of intermittent fasting, created by Brad Pilon, whereby you eat nothing for just 24 hours on one or two days a week and eat normally the other days.
Restricting your eating to an 8-hour window and fasting for 16 hours is a form of intermittent fasting that may appeal if you find skipping breakfast easy.
The 5:2 diet (or Fast Diet) was created in 2012 by UK television presenter, Dr Michael Mosley, who investigated fasting as a way to improve his own health. His popular book has sold more than a million copies worldwide.
Leangains uses an 8-hour eating window and 16-hour fast combined with strength training to improve body composition.
Fast-5 uses a short, 5-hour eating window, to ensure your body burns fat.
Be healthier. Lose weight. Eat the foods you love, most of the time.
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