If you want to get started with Intermittent Fasting there are four questions you need to answer. Fasting is flexible: you just need to decide what works best for you.
1.What type of fasting works best for me?
There are a variety of different intermittent fasting plans, so the first step is picking the right one for you.
The most famous intermittent fasting plan is the Fast Diet, aka the 5:2 diet, in which for two days a week you restrict calories to 25% of your normal daily intake.
Another option is an Eating Window approach, such as 16:8, in which you restrict your daily calorie intake to an 8-hour time window. There are many other variations.
Check out our comprehensive guide to fasting.
2. How should I plan and manage a fast day?
Make sure you pick the right day. Although everybody is different, many people like to pick days in which they will be busy at work, but not too stressed – rather than being around the house with nothing to think about except food.
Plan your eating the day before – this ensures you will have what you need available and you won’t plan your eating when you are already hungry.
Drink plenty of water – helps fill you up, and also prevents headaches.
Head to our FastDay community! People love to help each other get through the day – and there is so much to learn from your fellow fasters.
Read more about how to plan and manage a fast day.
3. What should I eat on a fast day?
We’ve put together our favourite fast day recipes from around the web. Get ready to be inspired!
We’ve also reviewed the best prepared meals out there – if cooking isn’t your thing check out our recommended prepared meals for fasters.
Finally, check out our buzz section, which is full of food ideas to inspire you.
4. Shall I invest in any useful stuff for intermittent fasting?
Whilst you don’t need anything to begin this Way of Eating, there is some equipment we’d recommend, like a set of smart scales, an exercise tracker and a blood test. Many people buy handbooks and recipe books as well.
Learn more about useful stuff for intermittent fasting.